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Building beauty in Australian towns and cities, locally.

What we do


Reduce ugly, bland and soulless building and urban design


Advocate for the best kind of density ⁠— gentle density ⁠— for home availability and affordability

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Encourage beautiful architecture and resilient developments


Plan for cities or neighbourhoods that will last hundreds of years


Advocate for classic planning and human-centred places


Transform suburbia to promote human flourishing


Our mission

Increase the proportion of new buildings and developments that will last hundreds or thousands of years ⁠— not decades ⁠— and get better, not worse, with age

Increase the proportion of new buildings and developments that are beautiful and accord with the preferences of local communities

Implement the traditional town planning approach in major Australian cities, municipalities and towns, creating at least three places in Australia with traditional masterplans by 2025

What we mean by ‘traditional’

When we talk about ‘traditional architecture’ or ‘traditional urbanism,’ we don’t mean traditional in a political sense. ‘Traditional’ refers to certain examples of architectural design as a conception of beauty, and means the approaches to architectural design, building and ornamentation that humans have used for thousands of years across different countries, cultures and climates.


‘Traditional’ in planning design means building public spaces to a human scale, where a person on foot can feel comfortable and safe, and a fine-grained mix of uses where homes and businesses are in the same place. There is an abundance of wisdom, knowledge and technology that our culture and institutions must rediscover from the past and apply to modern development to drastically improve our built environment, with all the associated benefits.

Sydney Is Beautiful

The Sydney Is Beautiful architecture and urbanism competition was established to celebrate beautiful architecture and promote the design and development of buildings that will be cherished by generations to come.

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New traditional inspiration

View our gallery of new traditional architecture, places and towns. All of our examples were built within the last ten to twenty years. Better is possible. Is your architect on board?

We are building a revolution.

We are building a revolution to increase the number of beautiful, quality and enduring local neighbourhoods, streets and buildings in Australia through local chapters comprised of people who deeply love, and are fighting to improve, their local area.

Unlike most revolutions, we intend to restore the wisdom of the past.

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Further reading and inspiration

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